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Videoconference: ECA Regional GDLN Policy Dialogue on Investment Climate: Strengthening Commercial Law Framework
On March 22, 2005 the Center for the Study of Democracy, host of the GDLN Distance Learning Center Sofia, and the USAID Commercial Law Reform Program organized a videoconference ECA Regional GDLN Policy Dialogue on Investment Climate: Strengthening Commercial Law Framework.

This was the first of two dialogues aimed at the Balkan countries and the EU candidate countries. The videoconference brought together policy makers, practitioners and stakeholders including government officials and representatives from the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academics and policy researchers, who discussed how to initiate reforms.

Mr. Gordon W. Johnson, Lead Counsel at the World Bank, presented the financial, law and justice systems assessment models and the place of insolvency and creditor rights in them. He underlined the complexity of the legislative and regulatory framework and gave as an example the challenges in front of the restructuring in Turkey.

Mr. Igor Pálka, Head of Allen & Overy, Bratislava, described Slovakia’s reform experience in the area of commercial law. He pointed out that changes were driven mainly by the harmonization with EU laws. Mr. Pálka listed the major principles in this sphere – more protection of each creditor interests, closing the “liability loop”, giving the insolvent a chance, faster proceeds regarding bankruptcy and institutionalization of the trustee’s profession.

Speakers' biographies
Strengthening Commercial Law Frameworks: Insolvency and Creditor Rights Systems, presentation by Mr. Gordon Johnson, Legal Vice Presidency, The World Bank
Key Elements of Strengthening Commercial Law Framework in Slovakia, presentation by Mr. Igor Pálka, Head of Allen & Overy, Bratislava
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