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Seminar: eGovernment in Bulgaria and Strategy for IT Sector Development
On the initiative of a group of MPs, the Bulgarian International Business Association and the Center for the Study of Democracy organized a briefing for MPs and high-ranking administration of Parliament on the principles of e-government and the possibilities for their practical implementation in Bulgaria. The event took place at the National Assembly of Bulgaria on November 25, 2003.

The seminar was opened by Mr. Nikolay Kamov, Member of Parliament who initiated the introduction of a yearly report on e-government. The report is planned to be submitted by the government and discussed and approved by the Parliament. He said that the initiative was signed by representatives of all parliamentary represented parties, which underlines the importance of e-government in Bulgaria.

The vice-president of BIBA Ms. Sasha Bezuhanova presented Strategy and Action Plan for Bulgarian Competitiveness on World ICT Markets. Ms. Bezuhanova stressed on the joint participation of the business sector and the government in the development of the ICT industry and its transformation into a moving force for the economic development of the country.

Mr. Pavel Ezekiev, Chairman of the Bulgarian Foreign Investment Agency described the ICT sector’s role for investment and economic growth in Bulgaria. He pointed out that the current state and trends in this sphere are determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the Bulgarian economy. According to Mr. Ezekiev, the ICT sector is a major instrument for ensuring long-term competitiveness for the economy.

Mr. Ivailo Georgiev, Coordinator of the Coordination Center for Information, Communication and Management Technologies highlighted the main characteristics and features of the eGovernment process. He gave a more elaborate definition of the term, presented a strategic framework for the development of eGovernment in Bulgaria, and described the possible benefits from its introduction.
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