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Videoconference on Public Private Partnerships in Countering Corruption
On 18 July, 2005 the Center for Study of Democracy delivered a videoconference on Public Private Partnerships in Countering Corruption to participants at the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration in Kiev and a group of development practitioners at the World Bank Country Office in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. The videoconference is part of a pilot program on anti-corruption developed by CSD and Coalition 2000 which will be delivered through the GDLN network to emerging democracies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The program will consist of a series of five videoconferencing sessions covering the following aspects of anti-corruption policies: Public Private Partnerships in Countering Corruption; Corruption Monitoring and Assessment Techniques; Civic Initiatives for Judicial Reform and Countering Corruption; Hidden Economy and Corruption; and Organized Crime and Corruption. The four remaining sessions will take place in September and October, 2005.

The Program on Anti-Corruption is designed to enable the community of anti-corruption practitioners in the ECA (Europe and Central Asia) region – primarily from Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan - to learn from global and regional best practice, and from each other through an expansion of knowledge sharing and dialogue opportunities. It is expected to build capacity in organizations engaged in combating corruption in the ECA region and facilitate transfer of experiences among countries which share similar history and – either now or in the past – have faced similar development problems.

The first session on 18 July, 2005 focused on the interaction of government and non-profit organizations in fighting corruption and the experience of CSD and Coalition 2000 in Bulgaria, as well as the role of private sector anti-corruption compliance, and corporate social responsibility. The main speakers during the video discussion were Mr. Boyko Todorov, Program Director of CSD and Mr. Essa Faal of the International Development Law Organization in Rome, Italy.

Anti-corruption Program Overview
Presentation of Mr. Boyko Todorov, Program Director of CSD, Public Private Partnerships in Countering Corruption (Microsoft Powerpoint, 1.5 Mb)
Presentation of Mr. Essa Faal, IDLO, Mechanisms for Reducing Corruption through Private Sector: Monitoring and Enforcement, (Microsoft Powerpoint, 214 Kb)
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