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Judicial Anti-Corruption Program
Table of contents

Introduction (PDF 177 kb)

Part One: Reform in the Organization of the Judiciary. Reform in the Administration of Judicial Bodies. Training of Magistrates and Court Clerks

I. Reform in the Organization (Structure and Management) of the Judiciary: Constitutional, Legislative and Institutional Aspects (PDF 252 kb)

    1. General

    2. Proposed reforms

      2.1. Organizational principles underlying the operation of the Judiciary

      2.2. Ensuring professional and corruption-free management of the Judiciary

      2.3. Anti-corruption measures to promote the status of magistrates

      2.4. Internal anti-corruption monitoring mechanisms within the bodies of the Judiciary and at other institutions linked to the operation of the Judiciary. Introducing an efficient system of reporting

      2.5. Suggested options for restructuring the Judiciary

      2.6. Constitutional regulation of out-of-court mechanisms concerning the rights of citizens and the better functioning of the Judiciary

II. Reform in the Administration of Judicial Bodies (PDF 212 kb)

    1. General

    2. The objective of reforms. The need to build up a novel, modern structure and organization of work for the administration of judicial bodies on the basis of new principles

    3. Proposed reforms

      3.1. Proposed improvements in the legal framework

      3.2. Organizational changes needed to further reform in the administration of judicial bodies

III. Education, Training and Career Development of Magistrates and Court Clerks (PDF 185 kb)

    1. Education and training of magistrates

      1.1. The status quo and the problems

      1.2. Proposed reforms

    2. Education and training of court clerks

Part Two: Reform in Criminal Law and Procedure (PDF 269 kb)

    1. General

      1.1. Problems in substantive criminal law

      1.2. Problems in criminal procedure

      1.3. Problems in the rules on the execution of penalties

    2. The objective of reforms in criminal law and procedure

    3. Proposed reforms

      3.1. Proposed reforms in criminal law

      3.2. Proposed reforms in criminal procedure

      3.3. Proposed reforms in the execution of penalties

Part Three: Reform in Civil Law and Procedure (PDF 365 kb)

    1. General

      1.1. Problems in substantive civil law

      1.2. Problems in civil procedure

    2. The objective of reforms in civil law and procedure

    3. Proposed reforms

      3.1. Amendments in commercial law

      3.2. Registration reform

      3.3. Amendments to labor law

      3.4. Proposed reforms in civil procedure

Part Four: Reform in Administrative Law and Procedure (PDF 225 kb)

    1. General

      1.1. Problems in substantive administrative law

      1.2. Shortcomings in the legal framework of administrative procedure

    2. The objective of reforms in administrative law and procedure

    3. Proposed reforms

      3.1. Proposed reforms in administrative law

      3.2. Proposed reforms in administrative procedure

Conclusion (PDF 204 kb)

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