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RIS BRIDGE Information Days
On 11 November 2005 ARC Fund and the Center for the Study of Democracy held in the town of Pernik the first of a series of Information Days on the Regional Innovation Strategy for the South West Region of Bulgaria (RIS BRIDGE). The event introduced the RIS BRIDGE initiative to the local authorities and business representatives and initiated a networking process among the local innovation stakeholders.

The RIS BRIDGE is an instrument of the European Commission for preparing the regional and local authorities to work with the financial instruments of the Cohesion Policy after Bulgaria’s accession in the EU and for improving the capacity of the regional authorities to set up policy measures designed to match the actual technology and innovation needs of the SMEs.

During the discussion representatives of the local private sector expressed their concern about their level of competitiveness, which hinders their endeavors to meet the challenges of the EU market. They stressed that the prices of their production and the labor force qualification are low in contrast to the high prices of the new technologies.

The second RIS BRIDGE Information Day was held on 25 November 2005 in the town of Blagoevgrad. Representatives of the local authorities and the non-governmental sector stressed on the need for development of the human potential in the region, in particular in certain remote areas. They also pointed out that currently existing natural recourses are not fully utilized and their exploitation could become one of the advantages of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad.

The Municipality of Kyustendil was host to the third RIS BRIDGE Information Day, held on 7 December 2005. Representatives of the municipal administration outlined their strategic goals in the economic development of the district for the period 2005-2015: better utilization of geographic, natural, cultural and human resources, decrease of the discrepancies between Kyustendil district and other districts in Bulgaria and Europe, alleviation of negative demographic trends, promotion of public-private partnerships and introduction of innovations at regional level for increasing business competitiveness. The representatives of the private sector showed concern about the opportunities for greenfield investments in Bulgaria and the high level of caution of foreign investors when establishing bilateral collaborations with Bulgarian SMEs.

Presentation of ARC Fund (MS Power Point, 216 KB, in Bulgarian) and Role of the RIS Projects for the Regional Development (MS Power Point, 311 KB, in Bulgarian), Ms. Zoya Damianova, Program Director of ARC Fund
Regional Innovation Strategy for Southwest Planning Region, Ms. Daniela Tchonkova, RIS BRIDGE Project Coordinator at ARC Fund (MS Power Point, 459 KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation of the Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria by Mr. Angel Milev, Coordinator of the Centre (MS Power Point, 1.7 MB, in Bulgarian)

Information for the media (MS Word, 429 KB, in Bulgarian)

Internet portal innovation.bg
Sofia Economic Council Website
Sofia White Paper for Better Business Climate and Prosperity of Sofia, report of the Center for the Study of Democracy, 2005 (PDF, 339 KB, in Bulgarian).
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