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Visit to the People’s Defender of Catalonia
Opportunities for developing further the established cooperation between the People’s Defender of Catalonia and CSD have been discussed on a meeting held on July 12, 2005 in the office of the People’s Defender in Barcelona. On behalf of the People’s Defender of Catalonia the meeting was attended by Mr. Xavier Masllorens, Director of Communications and Cabinet, and Ms. Judit Salas, International Relations Officer. CSD was represented by Mr. Boyko Todorov, Program Director, and Dr. Maria Yordanova, Director of the Law Program.

The cooperation with the People’s Defender of Catalonia has been initiated in April 2003 during the mandate of Mr. Anton Canellas, when CSD senior staff representatives visited him in his office in Barcelona. In the frame of the established cooperation the Catalonian experience has been studied and applied in the process of establishing the ombudsman institution in Bulgaria both on national and local level. In the end of June and the beginning of July 2003 a Bulgarian delegation made a study visit to Barcelona. The group included representatives of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, as well as experts, involved in the preparation of the legislation and the practical introduction of the ombudsman institution in Bulgaria. As a follow up to the established cooperation and the exchange of experience important changes in Bulgarian legislation regarding the local ombudsmen (public mediators) have been introduced. The participants in the study visit were actively involved in advocating the changes on the basis of a public-private platform.

Continuing its efforts in the field of introducing the ombudsman institution in Bulgaria on different levels and in different areas of public life CSD sought to further develop the cooperation with the People’s Defender of Catalonia after the new Defender Mr. Rafael Ribo has been elected on June 17, 2004, and took the office on July 1 of that year.

During the discussions on July 12, 2005 CSD representatives presented the recent developments of the long lasting Center’s work on introducing ombudsman institution on national and local level in Bulgaria and the still existing difficulties in this process.

Mr. Xavier Masllorens presented the new structure and organization of the office, while Ms. Salas briefed the CSD representatives on the main achievements of the Cooperation Program on the Balkans and its current priorities.

In the course of the meeting the participants expressed their willingness to cooperate further for promotion of the ombudsman institutions, for strengthening the relations between them as well as to undertake joint initiatives for project based activities.

Law of the Sindic de Greuges (Ombudsman) of Catalonia

Bio of Mr. Anton Cañellas i Balcells

Bio of Mr. Rafael Ribó i Massó

Bio of Mr. Xavier Masllorens i Escubós
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