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CSD Brief No 7: Development of the Second National Anti-Corruption Strategy for Bulgaria
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On January 12, 2006, the Council of Ministers adopted a National Strategy for Good Governance, Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption 2006-2008. The document was part of the commitments made by Bulgaria in the field of anti-corruption in the context of its EU accession. The strategy was expected to be adopted and presented to the European Commission by the end of 2005. In the beginning of 2006 an inter-ministerial task force submitted a draft version of the strategy to the government but it revealed so many flaws that the government postponed its adoption. As a result, the task force invited the Center for the Study of Democracy to redraft the strategy.

With the active participation of CSD in the fall of 2001 the first comprehensive governmental anti-corruption document was elaborated – the National Anti-Corruption Strategy. The strategy was largely based on the 1998 Action Plan of Coalition 2000 and ushered in a period of public-private partnership against corruption.
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