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Seminar: Judiciary and Counteracting Corruption and Organized Crime
On May 9, 2006, the Center for the Study of Democracy hosted the first of a series of training seminars on The Judiciary and the Counteraction of Corruption and Organized Crime, organized jointly with Global Fisc Management. Investigators, prosecutors and judges, representatives of the Ministry of Interior, lawyers, and media attended the seminar.

The Director of the Financial Intelligence Agency, Dr. Vasil Kirov acquainted the participants with the legal framework, the responsible persons and the practical measures in the prevention and detection of money laundering. He briefly presented the draft Law Amending and Supplementing the Law on Measures against Money Laundering submitted to the National Assembly, the international legislation in the area, including the activity of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Dr. Kirov underlined the need of stable international cooperation and exchange of information among similar institutions worldwide, having in mind the fact that crimes related to money laundering are most often transborder.

The reform in the criminal procedure in the context of Bulgaria’s EU accession and the challenges of the new Criminal Procedure Code were presented by Mr. Rumen Georgiev, Deputy Director of the National Investigation Service and Chair of the Chamber of Investigators in Bulgaria. He expressed his opinion that the radical change of the pre-trial proceedings, envisaged by the new Criminal Procedure Code and effective since April 29, 2006, will create numerous problems and possible slowdown of the criminal proceedings. Mr. Georgiev suggested reasonable fine tuning of the competences and the structures of the police proceedings, which would help the transition process.

Mr. Rumen Georgiev sees as a positive step the idea for signing an agreement between the Prosecutor General, the Minister of Justice and the investigation services for joint use of the informational network of the investigation services. According to Mr. Georgiev this is the first working element of the Uniform Information System against Crime provided for in the Law on the Judiciary and in process of development for several years now.

The Chair of the Bulgarian Judges Association and judge in the Sofia District Court Ms. Nelly Koutzkova spoke on the independence and the accountability of the judiciary as a guaranty for quality and efficient law enforcement. She stressed on the new aspects in this area, provided for in the latest amendments of the Constitution and the Law on the Judiciary including the controversial legal framework of the competitions in the judiciary. Ms. Koutzkova spoke also about some problems in the operation of the Supreme Judicial Council, related to its structure and work, administrative capacity and the need of reforms.


Media Coverage (only in Bulgarian)

Second Seminar: The Judiciary and the Counteraction of Corruption and Organized Crime - Varna

Third Seminar: The Judiciary and the Counteraction of Corruption and Organized Crime - Bourgas

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