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Discussion: Ireland’s Road into the EU: Competitiveness and Innovation
On 1 June 2006 the Center for the Study of Democracy organized a discussion with guest speaker Mr. Andrew McDowell, Chief Economist and Manager of the Competitiveness Division of Forfas – the Irish government’s policy and advisory board for enterprise, trade, science, technology and innovation. Mr. McDowell’s speach focused on Ireland’s road into the EU, as well as its economic and technological development. He highlighted the EU impact on Ireland’s economic transformation in areas such as macroeconomic stability, investment climate, implementing effective competition and regulatory reform, as well as achieving improvements in governance. Mr. McDowell however stressed that EU membership is necessary, but not sufficient factor for economic prosperity. The state should have capacity to engage in strategic thinking in order to make the most of the EU membership. The investment in human capital and the implementation of an outward oriented industrial policy are also crucial for a small country’s economic growth.

From Rags to Riches: the EU and Ireland’s ‘Celtic Tiger’ Economy, presentation by Mr. Andrew McDowell, Chief Economist and Manager of the Competitiveness Division of Forfas (PDF, 762 KB)
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