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Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms
The assessment of the effectiveness of anticorruption policies and trends in the spread of corruption is a key element of the Strategy for Transparent Governance and Counteraction of Corruption for the period 2006-2008 adopted by the Bulgarian Government. The Bulgarian Government’s 2006 Program for the implementation of this Strategy envisions the development of a system of indicators to monitor progress and actual impact. The System of Indicators was developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy based on the best European and world practices and primarily draws on the experience gained in Bulgaria in the period between 1997 and 2006 from the implementation of the Corruption Monitoring System developed by the CSD within the Coalition 2000 anticorruption initiative.

The indicators for the evaluation of the results from the measures to counteract corruption and to enhance the transparency of government differ by type and methods of data collection and analysis:

The first set of indicators reflects the adequacy, effectiveness, timeliness, implementation progress, etc., of the measures outlined in the Strategy and the Program.

Another group of indicators aims to evaluate the social environment factors directly affecting the level of corruption and governance transparency.

A third group of indicators show the effect of the implemented programs and measures by monitoring their outcomes and impact. These are of greatest value in assessing the effectiveness of anticorruption policies and the prevention and counteraction of corruption.

As a follow up, CSD has published a policy brief on the need for a Europe-wide initiative to develop a corruption benchmarking instrument for the EU. Its purpose is to suggest ways of utilizing the experience with corruption monitoring and measuring during Bulgaria’s accession to the Union.

Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 3.41 MB, in Bulgarian)

Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 3 MB, in English)

Round Table: Monitoring of Anti-Corruption Reforms in Bulgaria
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