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Round Table: Defense Transformation and the Role of Smaller States in Allied Operations
On 16 February 2007 the Center for the Study of Democracy, together with the Embassy of Denmark in Sofia organized a round table on Defense Transformation and the Role of Smaller States in Allied Operations.

Keynote speaker at the event was Gen. Hans Jesper Helsø, Chief of Defense of Denmark, who made a presentation on the structure and history of transformation of the Danish armed forces, and the lessons learned in the process. The round table discussion benefited from the input of Gen. Zlatan Stoykov, Chief of General Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, the Danish Ambassador Svend Boje Madsen, representatives of the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, G.S. Rakovski Defense and Staff College, reserve generals and officers, and non-governmental organizations working in the area of defense reform.

Gen. Helsø’s speech was received with keen interest by all participants and was followed by Q&A, opinions and debates. Among the issues discussed were the factors that prompt transformation, including the balance between national and international considerations, the need to emphasize capabilities over structures, the significance of a mid to long term financial framework needed to make planning possible, the balance between conscripts and professional soldiers, the process of advocating for public and political support, etc.

Biographical data of Gen. Hans Jesper Helsø, Chief of Defense of Denmark
Presentation by Gen. Hans Jesper Helsø (MS Power Point, 1.12 MB)

Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)
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