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Public meeting of the National Crime Prevention Commission
On 25 June 2007 the Center for the Study of Democracy in cooperation with the National Crime Prevention Commission and with the support of the British Embassy in Sofia held a public meeting of the Commission focusing on the spread of narcotic drugs in Bulgaria.

In his opening remarks the Minister of Interior Mr. Rumen Petkov commended the survey on drugs proliferation in Bulgaria conducted by the Center, as well as the presentation analyzing the data. He pointed out that public–private partnership is a key element in implementing programs for the prevention of drugs proliferation. In proof of successful anti-drugs criminal justice, recent data on police actions were announced, among them the dismantling of two serious drug gangs operating in Burgas and Ruse.

Mr. Tihomir Bezlov, Senior Analyst at the Center, presented the National Crime Survey (NCS) findings about the trends on the Bulgarian drug market over the last five years (2002—2007). He compared these trends with data from the first such nationally representative survey on drugs in Bulgaria (December 2002–January 2003), as well as several newer victimization surveys (from 2005, 2006 and 2007). Mr. Bezlov also dwelt on the underlying factors behind the shrinking heroin market, e.g. the decreasing number of street dealers, the poorer quality of recent supplies, the enrollment of a growing number of addicts in methadone programs after 2005, and the greater popularity of Substitol, MST and other treatments.

The new trends announced were a growth in soft drugs use between 2004 and 2006, in amphetamine use particularly in the largest cities such as Sofia and Burgas, and in cocaine use.

PowerPoint presentation (1.2MB)


Media Coverage (In Bulgarian)
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