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Celebrating ten years of anti-corruption coalitions
On July 23, 2007 CSD celebrated the 10-th anniversary of public-private partnership for anti-corruption reforms in Bulgaria. It was in mid 1997 that CSD, with the support of the US Agency for International Development, started its first anti-corruption program as a coalition of non-governmental organizations, institutions of the state and leading opinion makers in Bulgaria.

In his welcoming remarks to the representatives of various Bulgarian and international institutions, CSD Chairman Dr. Ognian Shentov highlighted the progress that has been made in the country in terms of reducing administrative corruption and the role that public-private partnerships have played in this process. Virtually unknown in until the late 1990s, cooperation between private sector institutions and government on issues of public governance is now accepted as a routine practice.

In his address, US Ambassador John Beyrle praised the role that CSD has played in advancing democratic reforms in Bulgaria and the outstanding cooperation that the Center has had with USAID in this process. While indicating the anti-corruption successes that have taken place in the past ten years, Ambassador Beyrle also outlined the remaining challenges, including political corruption, abuse of public procurement, etc.

The Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court Konstantin Penchev, who spoke next, pointed out the key reforms introduced in the judiciary which have brought about improved governance of that branch of power. Maintaining the independence of magistrates while enhancing both the effectiveness and accountability of the courts and the prosecution has been the focus of these reforms.

Sofia Mayor Boyko Borissov shared with the participants some specific examples of anti-corruption and anti-fraud measures taken by the Sofia Municipality and sketched the key law enforcement and economic policies that would need to be introduced in the future to consolidate anti-corruption reforms in Bulgaria.

Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)
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