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Press conference: Corruption indexes for the third quarter of 2003
On September 10, 2003 Coalition 2000 held a press conference to present the corruption indexes of the population for the second quarter of 2003. Mr. Alexander Stoyanov, Director of Vitosha Research Agency commented on the survey results of the monitoring of corruption, conducted among Bulgarian population in June-July and among businessmen in May-June 2003.

According to the opinion of Bulgarian citizens and businessmen, the judiciary is most severely affected by corruption. At the same time, unlike citizens, businessmen rate positively the reforms in the customs.

Nearly 100 000 bribes were paid during the summer months, most of them asked by university lecturers, followed by police and customs officials. The businessmen paid most bribes for winning public procurement contracts.

The general level of real corruption remains stable during the last year, therefore, new and more decisive measures are necessary to curb corruption, Mr. Stoyanov said. The decline in people’s evaluation of the effectiveness of the government to curb corruption also shows the necessity for more active anticorruption policy.

Corruption has become a common public phenomenon, tolerated by the business and estimated as a relatively effective mechanism for dealing with a problem, the survey shows. "This is a dangerous trend, which becomes a character feature of the economic environment in Bulgaria", the director of Vitosha Research commented.

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