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EU Fundamental Rights Agency presents report on child trafficking in the EU: EU must do more to fight child trafficking
On 7 July 2009, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) released a new report on 'The role of the European Union in the fight against child trafficking'.
Many children fall victim to trafficking every year. There are extremely low numbers of convictions in child trafficking cases. Overall, the report finds that the EU must do more to address the issue. The FRA calls for better legislation to combat child trafficking. The protection and care for victims, in particular, must be improved.

FRA Director Morten Kjaerum: "Human trafficking is part of the modern slave trade. Every year, a significant number of children in the EU fall victim to trafficking for sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, adoption and organ extraction. These are alarming signals. We must make every possible effort to protect and support these children".

More: http://fra.europa.eu
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