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| 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
CSD Brief No 22: Energy Sector in Bulgaria
The brief "The Energy Sector of Bulgaria" is elaborated jointly by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Atlantic Council of US. It presents the main challenges that the energy sector in Bulgaria faces. more »
Media note: Exposing Bad Governance in the Energy Sector: Reinventing the Wheel?
During the first two weeks of April 2010 the Bulgarian government and media announced details of abuses and irregularities in the Bulgarian energy sector and proposed ideas for restructuring, which confirmed the existance of serious governance problems in the sector. These findings are not new. In 2006 - 2007, during a previous public outcry, which led to the resignation of the then Energy Minister, the Center for the Study of Democracy published a detailed analysis of the most common bad management practices in the energy sector. The conclusions and recommendations of this analysis apply with full force today. more »
Innovation.bg 2010
CSD experts took part in the preparation of the report Innovation.bg 2010: The Innovation Policy of Bulgaria: Opportunities for the Next Decade. The report provides a reliable annual assessment of the innovation potential of the Bulgarian economy and the condition and opportunities for development of the Bulgarian innovation system. more »
Monitoring and Assessment of Public Policies and Programmes
The report entitled Monitoring and Assessment of Public Policies and Programmes reviews the methods for monitoring the activity of the public sector, central and regional authorities and public-private partnerships. more »
Are Bulgarian consumers willing to pay for clean energy?
Bulgarian households pay the lowest price of electricity in Europe in absolute terms. Price increases are inevitable to cover costs of new investments in production and transmission. Bulgaria has signed binding agreements within the European Union to achieve 16% of final or energy consumption from renewable energy sources (RES) by 2020, which will bring further pressure on prices for final consumers. Are Bulgarian households ready to foot the bill of more expensive electricity? more »
CSD Brief No 20: Policies to Counter the Effects of the Economic Crisis: Hidden Economy Dynamics 2009
The policy brief focuses on the impact of the governemnt measures put forward to counter the economic crisis and their effect on the hidden economy. The hidden economy has been a central topic for discussion in the public space upon each amendment to the economic legislation and particularly before elections or the passing of the national budget. more »
CSD Brief No 19: Energy Strategy of Bulgaria 2020: A Better Governance Perspective
Energy is a key sector for Bulgarian economy, both because of its size and because of its importance to national competitiveness. This requires decisions to be made on the basis of reliable and accessible data, broad based discussions and clearly identified strategic priorities, which rely on established practices and mechanisms for good governance. more »
Copenhagen 2009: Outliers among CO2 emitters: choose your pick
Bulgaria needs to take decisive actions in improving the energy efficiency of its industrial and energy production and in introducing green technologies and further measures for sustainable consumer behavior. But how much is it willing to pay for it? more »
CSD Brief No 18: Better Governance for Sustainable Energy Sector of Bulgaria: Diversification and Security
The Policy Brief focuses on the Bulgarian energy sector, which has historically been and will remain of strategic importance for the country’s economic development and national security, especially in the context of growing EU and Balkan markets. more »
Innovation.bg 2009 Report
The Innovation.bg report provides a reliable annual assessment of the innovation potential of the Bulgarian economy and the condition and opportunities for development of the Bulgarian innovation system. It makes recommendations for the improvement of public policy on innovation by drawing on the latest theoretical and empirical studies worldwide and adapting them to the specific economic, political, cultural and institutional framework of Bulgaria’s innovation system. more »

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