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Fourth Annual Security Conference: NATO Transformation - Facing New Security Frontiers
As part of its series of annual security events, the Center for the Study of Democracy held its 2006 security conference NATO Transformation - Facing New Security Frontiers on 28-29 April, 2006. It was a follow-up to the 2006 NATO ministerial meeting hosted by the government of Bulgaria. The conference contributed to the broader debate on NATO’s transformation and helped outline bold new policies, overcoming legacy relationships and trans-atlantic divides. more »
Round table: NATO’s nuclear policy and non-proliferation of WMD
On 11 April 2006 the Center for the Study of Democracy held a round table on NATO’s nuclear policy and non-proliferation of WMD. The aim of the event was to provide more information and clarity regarding NATO’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) policy. The main speaker was Mr. Guy Roberts, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for WMD Policy and Director of the Nuclear Policy Directorate. Participants in the round table were members of the Bulgarian Parliament, staff officers and representatives of the media. more »
Third Annual Security Conference: Security Risks and Transformation -Euro-Atlantic and Regional Perspectives
The Third Annual Security Conference of the Center for the Study of Democracy took place on November 19-20, 2005 in Sofia. The forum aimed to give more prominence to ideas, concepts and policies which dominate the agenda of NATO, the EU and the wider international community in this field. more »
EU Prospects and Security in South Eastern Europe: Hidden Economy, Transborder Crime and Development
An international conference on hidden economy and transborder crime in SEE was held on 28-29 October 2005 in Hilton hotel in Sofia. The conference brought together researchers from prominent scientific institutions in Europe to share their views and discuss possible solutions of the existing problems. more »
Seminar: Security Perceptions and Doctrinal Approaches: Designing and Implementing Security Strategies
A seminar on security strategies for experts in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Hungary took place on 13-14 October 2005 in Radisson SAS Grand Hotel in Sofia. more »
Training seminar: Customs Control of Shipments of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in the Western Balkans
A training seminar for border customs officers from the Western Balkans was held on 5-6 October 2005 in Crystal Palace hotel in Sofia. The seminar was organized jointly by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and Hungary and the CSD in the framework of the Australian Group, an informal arrangement aiming to minimise the risk of assisting chemical and biological weapons proliferation. more »
Private Security Companies: Partners in Crime Prevention
On 14 September, 2005 the CSD, jointly with Saferworld, UK organized a public discussion to present a report on the private security companies in South Eastern Europe, published by the SEE Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC). more »
CSD Represented at the Second Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the UN SALW Programme of Action
The Second Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its Aspects took place in the UN headquarters in New York from July 11 to 15, 2005. more »
Towards NATO and EU Accession: Effective Export Control Legislation - Lessons Learned
A South Eastern Europe regional seminar on effective export control legislation was held on June 21-22, 2005 in Sofia jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, the Center for the Study of Democracy and the South Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC). more »
Security and Society Forum – Cooperative Security
CSD Program Director and SELDI Coordinator Boyko Todorov took part in the Security and Society Forum, organized by the Marshall Center Alumni Association in Serbia and Montenegro on 21 April, 2005 in Belgrade. more »

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