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  Assessment of the National Child Strategy 

  Crime Trends in Bulgaria 2000 – 2010 





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This publication is devoted to the trends in corruption and anti-corruption policy during the period 1998-2006. Corruption in the forms it appears in present day Bulgarian society is a new phenomenon closely associated with the specific forms of transition in the period after 1990. The Bulgarian public identifies corruption as a negative phenomenon. However, Bulgarian society has been largely unprepared to properly identify corruption risks appearing in different social sectors. The report presents key findings about the level of corruption and corruption related perceptions. The analysis is based on national sample (n=966) survey of the Bulgarian population aged 18 and over and also includes previous Vitosha Research survey data (back to February 1999). In the period 01 - 16 March 2004 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period October 4 - 15 2003 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period 24.06 - 04.07 2003 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period April 18 - May 15, 2003 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period September 28, 2002 - October 12, 2002 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period May 22-31, 2002 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period January 01 - February 10, 2001 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000. In the period September 16-26, 2000 Vitosha Research conducted its regular survey on corruption among the Bulgarian population. This study is part of the Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000.
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