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HomeProgramsInnovation and Technology TransferGET-IN Project trains IST companies on how to participate in FP6

GET-IN Project trains IST companies on how to participate in FP6

The kick-off meeting of the project was held on July 16, 2004, in the city of Porto in Portugal, and was hosted by the project coordinator – Inovamais. All project partners discussed in detail the project implementation strategy and agreed on a specific workplan. The overall objective of the GET-IN project is to address the problem of the low participation rate of the current and former Associated Candidate Countries' SMEs in the IST thematic priority of the EU Sixth Framework Program (FP6) for research and development.

The GET-IN project addresses the “participation” problem by proposing an SME oriented, practical and validated approach with three main objectives:
- Guarantee a higher participation in the FP6 IST activities of SMEs from the EU candidate countries and in particular from the less developed countries and regions of Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and Poland - Lower Silesia.
- Develop an “IST participation toolset” of wide general use, which could be later and easily expandable to other SMEs in other countries and regions which are not presently included in the GET-IN framework.
- Promote the transfer of knowledge on SME support to innovation agencies in EU candidate countries.

The project partners will deliver tailor-made training to a total of 240 IST companies. The training will be specifically oriented to increase the SME participation from candidate countries. The direct project beneficiaries will be 40 companies from each of the following countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Slovakia.

As a follow-up to the training the companies will be assisted in turning their good ideas into specific projects.

A larger pool of SMEs will be briefed on the opportunities and relevant instruments for participation in the IST thematic priority of FP6.

The project consortium is composed of:
INOVA+ S.A. – project coordinator (Portugal)
Centre for Advanced Technologies (Romania)
ARC Fund (Bulgaria)
Lithuanian Innovation Centre
Latvian Technological Centre
BIC Bratislava (Slovakia)
Centre for Technology Transfer (Wroclaw, Poland)

Further information on the GET-IN project may be obtained from Ms. Daniela Tchonkova at

Training seminars for IST companies under the GET-IN project on June 16-17, 2005 in Sofia
Sector Meeting of Information and Communication Technologies Companies and IST Information Day
Business Innovation Forum dedicated to European and National Science-Funding Programs


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