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The logical sequence and the content of activities under the CGI are designed as preparation (evaluation) and follow up (advocacy and dissemination) of two major elements of the project - Corporate Governance Assessment Report and Corporate Governance Guidelines for Bulgaria. The Initiative acquired broader regional character with the preparation and holding the Regional Corporate Governance Forum. In greater detail the activities grouped in four components include:

Corporate Governance Assessment Report

Corporate Governance Assessment Report will review the status quo of corporate governance and evaluate the impact of CGI activities in 1999. The CGAR will be produced and published annually aiming at evaluating corporate governance reform progress in Bulgaria. This would both contribute to improvement measures and keep the public and professional debate focused on the issued of corporate governance.

The Corporate Governance Assessment Report (CGAR) will analyze the development in the following problem areas: Board Structure; Voting Rights; Disclosure and Transparency. CGI proposes to design a system of indicators that will measure corporate governance developments in Bulgaria and allow for international comparisons across transition economies. Within the project a pilot monitoring will be carried out and its methodology and preliminary results will be discussed with leading Bulgarian and international experts. The CGAR will contribute to identifying critical areas which will be elaborated further in Corporate Governance Guidelines.

Corporate Governance Guidelines for Bulgaria

The document to be developed - Corporate Governance Guidelines for Bulgaria - will be based on CGAR and 1999 CGI Policy Recommendation Paper but will further elaborate its most topical action lines:

  1. Responsibilities and Motivation of Boards;
  2. Role of the Judiciary and Improvement of Judicial Practice;
  3. Promotion of Capital Market Development and the Role of Institutional Investors;
  4. Residual State Shareholding.

The main objective of the Guidelines is to identify the specific roles of key players in the process of implementing modern corporate governance principles (general public and shareholders’ organizations, business community, media and the legislative and government). Practically this will provide framework for consensus building among the stakeholders for measures that should be undertaken.

The preparation of the Guidelines document will consist of three stages: preparation of draft Guidelines, conducting a Policy Workshop, preparation of a final version of the Guidelines.

The preparation of draft Guidelines will involve members of CGI Task Force and experts from all concerned institutions. A strong emphasis will be put on the participation of business associations (Bulgarian Industrial Association and Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and self-regulatory organizations (i.e. licensed investment intermediaries, private pension funds, etc.)

The Policy Workshop will bring together approx. 40 participants at the expert level (government agencies representatives, investment industry experts, business associations and self-regulatory organizations, international donors). It will be the main public event at which the CGG will be presented to the broader public.

The preparation of final version of the Guidelines will take into account the workshop discussions and it will be widely distributed by business associations involved in the Initiative.

Regional Corporate Governance Forum

The Center for International Private Enterprise and the Center for the Study of Democracy, with support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the East-East Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI), held a regional conference entitled "Business Views on Corporate Governance: Building New Structures in Emerging Markets". The fourth in a series of regional conferences focusing on reform issues, this conference was aimed to craft a unique dynamic-in which the business community, market participants and think tanks forge their own approach to corporate governance.

Transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness are vital for crafting governance practices both in business and government in emerging democracies. Effective corporate governance allows owners and other stakeholders to be secure in their rights in the company. They also foster investment and growth. The topics discussed at the conference included:

  • corporate governance as an antidote to corruption;
  • corporate ownership patterns in emerging democracies;
  • transparency of financial institutions and corporate infrastructure;
  • local policy implementation; and
  • defining corporate governance strategies

Sessions were designed for participants to share their experiences and views, and to highlight successful approaches to policy, advocacy and implementation. Participants included public officials, business leaders and international experts in the field of corporate governance.


Dissemination and Advocacy

As a result of the project a new section called Regional Corporate Governance Forum will be added to the CGI Internet site – www.csd.bg/cgi. It will include a detailed information about the Forum in Varna (list of participants, country presentations, regional overview, final document, future projects). By launching the regional web site CGI seeks to promote an active exchange of information in the field of corporate governance among experts and policy institutes in transition economies and facilitate the implementation of research and advocacy projects. As a follow up of the Regional forum a special Virtual Forum will be set up at www.csd.bg/cgi to continue the expert discussion and to involve other interested parties not represented at the Regional Forum.

A series of articles presenting the CGI activities and main project outputs will be prepared and published in the specialized daily and weekly newspapers with national distribution (Kapital, Cash, Pari, 24 chasa, Standart and Demokrazia). An effort will be made to publicize examples of best practice in the filed of corporate governance.

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