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Received information:

- 11/1/99: handed out paper Support and Development Programme, Proposal on Preliminary Detention (MJELI)

- 13/1/99: handed out Judicial System Act (MJELI)

- 21/1/99: Paper on Legal Services for Indigent Criminal Defendants in Bulgaria (MJELI)

- 27/1/99: Paper on Project 'Beginning' / Legal Agency for Human Rights (ABA CEELI / COLPI)

- 27/1/99: Memorandum on Public Interest Law Project - Persons with Disabilities (COLPI)

- 28/1/99: Note of Mr. Marriages on Discussion with Deputy Minister of Justice, Mrs. M. Serkedjieva (EU)

- 10/2/99: Paper on Brainstorming Meeting on Judiciary Reform (EU)

- 3/2/99: Paper Proposals for Possible PHARE Assistance in the Field of International Legal Assistance and International Legal Co-operation within the Project JHA for the Republic of Bulgaria (EU/MJELI)

- 19/2/99: Paper on Judiciary - Amendments to Criminal Code of Procedure Introduce Plea-Bargaining (EU)

- 22/2/99: Opinion of the Ministry of Justice and European Legal Integration on the BO Matrix for Bulgaria (confidential) (EU)

Promised, but not received information:

  • List of actual wants and needs of advocates (National Bar Association)

  • List of project proposals by the Association of Judges amended Criminal Procedure Code and amendments

  • List of actual wants and needs (both material as in the field of training) of the public prosecutors department

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