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Round table discussion: The informal economy in Bulgaria: Policy responses in an economic crisis
The Center for the Study of Democracy

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

3 December 2008
Sheraton Hotel, Sredetz Hall

10:00 Opening
Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy
Dr. Marc Meinardus, Director, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Office Bulgaria

10:15 The Hidden Economy Index 2008
Ruslan Stefanov, Coordinator, Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

Policy Responses to the Informal Economy in an Economic Crisis
Dr. Lubomir Christoff, Chairman, Institute of Certified Financial Consultants
Petar Dimitrov, Minister of Economy and Energy
Dr. Plamen Oresharski, Minister of Finance
Andrey Pramov, Managing Director, Adlon Discount
Maria Murgina, Director, National Revenue Agency
Dr. Yordan Hristoskov, Governor, National Social Security Institute
Georgi Kadiev, Councilor, Sofia Municipality Council
Dimitar Batchvarov, Councilor, Sofia Municipality Council
Plamen Dimitrov, Vice President, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria
Boyko Borissov, Mayor, Sofia Municipality
Tihomir Bezlov, Senior Analyst, Center for the Study of Democracy

11:15 Discussion

Mr. Georgi Chernev, Chairman of the Sofia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Christo Kulishev, Director, Customs Agency
Dr. Plamen Oresharski, Minister of Finance

12:00 Glass of wine
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