CSD » Security Program » Crime and policing » Police Integrity » International Expertise » International organisations


Policy documents

The EU has produced several documents on fighting corruption. The Communication on a comprehensive EU policy against corruption (2003) represented a milestone in building up a solid framework for an EU anti-corruption policy. After 2005 the Commission actively participates in the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) monitoring mechanism. Moreover, the Stockholm Programme (adopted in 2009) looks into the possibility of putting n place a mechanism for periodical evaluation of efforts in the fight against corruption across EU

International organisations including USAID, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), UNDP and OECD have developed a number of toolkits to assessing police integrity and reviews of anti-corruption measures and institutional best practices in the prevention and combating of police corruption.

   Security Program
   Police and Integrity
   International Expertise
