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Nikolay Badinski

Nikolay Badinski is executive director of Applied Research and Communications Fund. He is in charge of all the research and application activities of the organization and coordinates the work of its main programs.

Mr. Badinsky acted as coordinator of a large portfolio of projects, including under the Framework Programmes of the EC (FP 6, FP 7) and projects supported by other international donor organizations such as the EU, UNDP, World Bank, etc. aiming at development of information society and knowledge economy in Bulgaria and the Southeast European region.

Mr. Badinsky graduated from the Technical University in Sofia, Automation of Production and has MSc degree in applied mathematics. He had worked for more than 10 years at the Central Laboratory for Bio-instrument Building of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and specialized at the US Telecommunications Training Institute (1993).

Contacts: nikolay.badinski(at)online(dot)bg

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