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Daniela Tchonkova

Daniela Tchonkova has MSc degree in Business Management from the University of National and World Economy – Sofia, and MSc degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia.

She joined ARC Fund’s team in 2002 as project officer to the ForeTech project – Technology and Innovation Foresight for Bulgaria and Romania, supported by the STRATA Programme of DG Research of the European Commission (FP5). At present she is Programme Coordinator overseeing the implementation of a series of projects in the field of technology transfer and innovation. She has participated in, and coordinated a number of EC-funded projects, under PHARE, FP6, FP7 and CIP, the main of which include the FP6 Regional Innovation Strategy initiative for building capacity of the South-West Region of Bulgaria to work with the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund (contracted with DG Enterprise, FP6), the ForeIntegra Project – Integrating Foresight in Research Infrastructure Policy Formulation Process (contracted with DG Research, FP6), RIFI – Research Infrastructures Foresight and Impact Assessment (contracted with DG Research, FP7). Since January 2008 she also oversees the operation of the Enterprise Europe Network, with particular focus on raising public awareness on FP7 and CIP, and building capacity in FP7/CIP proposal development.

She is fluent in English and Russian, and has intermediate knowledge of Italian and French. Before joining ARC Fund she worked as coordinator of Forbes Global Business Survey Projects and coordinator of EU PHARE Management Training Project for provision of consultancy and training to SMEs.

Contacts: daniela.tchonkova(at)online(dot)bg

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