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Andrey Nonchev
Deputy Director
Vitosha Research

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Andrey Nonchev is Vice-Director of Vitosha Research, an independent survey research unit of the Center for the Study of Democracy. He is also Professor in Sociology at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia.

Mr. Nonchev has worked on more than 100 research projects on the privatization and liberalization of the economies of East European Countries, at-risk groups and social problems in Bulgaria, interaction between citizens and government officials in the former Soviet Union and East Central Europe, problems of social justice etc. Most recently, he has been conducting ad-hoc social and marketing research and consulting services covering a broad range of activities – social assessments, monitoring privatization and economic behavior, gauging political attitudes, conducting public policy studies, conducting media and audience research, advertising studies and others.

Mr. Nonchev is a member of the Bulgarian Sociological Association, the Bulgarian Association of Marketing Researchers, the Public Relations Society of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian National Association of Club of Rome and the International Sociological Association.

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