Regional corruption assessment

A task force of experts was set up to draft a background document as basis for the development of an Regional Corruption Assessment Report (RCAR), to be implemented in phase two. The development of the background document is being achieved through the following steps:

-    Country reports on the status and scope of corruption in the participating countries are being developed by using the inputs from local experts.

-    The seven country reports (the report for Bulgaria is part of the Corruption Assessment Report (CAR) developed by Coalition 2000 annually since 1999) will be integrated into a single document intended to serve as background for RCAR in Phase II.

In order to adopt a uniform approach to the development of country reports and to enhance the capacity of participating NGOs, representatives of the network mobilizers participated in a corruption assessment training seminar in Sofia in December 2000. The training was based on the experience of the Coalition 2000 CAR. The trainees were introduced to the use of monitoring instruments for the purpose of implementing a corruption watchdog system. Production of regional corruption indexes based on the Coalition 2000 model was also included in the training workshop curriculum.

Purpose and premise
Project progress
Regional corruption assessment
Regional corruption monitoring system
Preparation of phase two