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Transparency and Accountability in Local Government

This project constituted one of ARC Fund's pioneering efforts to introduce the concept and practice of e-government at the level of Bulgarian municipalities. It was implemented in partnership with the Municipality of Sofia in the period May 2000 though June 2001.

The main task was to conduct a feasibility study for the implementation of a municipal government management information system (MGMIS) that would facilitate an electronic data exchange among various departments / agencies of Sofia Municipality and create possibilities for the introduction of interactive e-services to citizens and businesses. The project was perceived to be a part of a wider administrative modernization program of the city. It was also a pioneering effort by the Municipality of Sofia to use the power of information technology to serve as a catalyst in the process of effective municipal management and local government decentralization.

The key outputs were a feasibility study and prototype MIS which was piloted in two municipality departments: Budgeting and Finance, and Investment and Constructions. Training courses were also designed for the municipal employees. The aim of these courses was to familiarize the employees and would-be adopters of the new system and convince them of its usefulness and value with regard to their everyday work.

This project provided the groundwork for further IT-based reform strategies and some concrete actions at the Municipality of Sofia. It also marked the beginning of a strategic partnership between ARC Fund and the Municipality of Sofia. It

Project resources:

  • Read a case study on this project developed by the Carnegie Mellon University, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management
  • Visit the project website:


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