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Benchmarking of e-Municipality Websites in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)

This report is the outcome of a municipal websites assessment project which ARC Fund conducted in March – October 2004 with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bulgaria. The study looks at the availability and quality of a total of 125 municipal websites in an attempt to determine the level of local e-government development in the country and identify positive examples which can be transferred as best practice. Adapting a comprehensive websites assessment methodology (i.e. KEeLAN - Key Elements for Electronic Local Authorities' Networks), the study ranks Bulgarian municipalities according to such criteria as: usability of their websites; functionalities, including availability of special features for people with disabilities; feedback options allowing citizens participation in local policy-making; electronic services available through the websites, etc.

Summary of the study
Download the full text (in Bulgarian, pdf, 2MB)

Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)

e-Municipality self-assessment tool (in Bulgarian)
e-Municipality website on Bulgaria Development Gateway (in Bulgarian)


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