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Information Society Newsletter No.1/2005

The first issue of the Information Society Newsletter for 2005 covers the period January – April 2005. The newsletter is published by ARC Fund’s Information Society Promotion Office (ISPO). The purpose of this quarterly publication is to promote the Information Society policies and initiatives among policy- and decision-makers in the local and central governments, academia and ICT industry in Bulgaria.

Some of the key topics covered in this issue include:

- i2010: The European Information Society in 2010
- Analytical methods and instruments for measuring e-government
- In Focus: Anti-spam Legislation

The IS Newsletter provides also a calendar of IST events in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as an update on IST projects, funding opportunities, policy initiatives, and related legislation.

The full text can be downloaded (in pdf, 2 MB) here (published only in Bulgarian)


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