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Foresight of the Development of e-Government in Bulgaria

ARC Fund, 2005

The brochure, published by ARC Fund in May 2005, represents the report and analysis that resulted from the pilot foresight initiative in Bulgaria coordinated by ARC Fund over the period May 2004 – February 2005 within the framework of the ForeTech project.

E-Government was among the sectors subject to pilot foresight. The report encompasses a combination of SWOT and STEEPV analyses of the current situation (2004) of the sector in Bulgaria and the Stakeholders’ Interest Map (SIM). Three scenarios in 2015 illustrate alternative future developments outlining likewise the measures that have to be devised today so as to obtain or avoid certain developments. The scenarios are presented in both scientific and entertaining way thus delivering the scenario message in an efficient way to the entire spectrum of end-users such as policy makers, academia, business, NGOs or individuals.

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