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e-Bulgaria 2005 Report

ARC Fund, 2005
ISBN 954-9456-03-X
84 pages

ARC Fund’s annual report e-Bulgaria 2005 follows the latest trends in the country’s information society developments over the year. The report analyzes the progress in ICT infrastructure deployment, as well as the penetration and use of internet and ICT-related services in Bulgarian households, enterprises, schools, universities and government institutions over this year. A wealth of empirical and qualitative data is presented, along with synthetic indicators, trend analysis and projections, policy options and recommendations. The report covers six large areas of analysis: e-access, e-society, e-education, e-business, e-government and e-policy. A composite e-Bulgaria Index is also calculated.

The report is the third in a series of e-readiness analyses published by ARC Fund since an ICT Infrastructure and e-Readiness Report (2002) and e-Bulgaria Report (2004).

Contents (in Bulgarian)

Full report (html version, in Bulgarian)

Media coverage (in Bulgarian)


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