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The Informal Economy in the EU Accession Countries: Size, Scope, Trends and Challenges to the Process of EU Enlargement




"Towards European Integration"

Network for Integration of Central and Eastern European
Countries into the European Union

A joint event of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Gutersloh,
The Center for the Study of Democracy, Sofia
The World Bank, Washington, D. C.

Sofia, 18-19 April 2002

Boyana Conference Center
16 Vitoshko Lale St.
1618 Sofia
Tel.: (+3592) 5680345
Fax: (+3592) 562865
conference language: English

April 18, 2002

16:00 h - 16:30 h
Boyana Conference




Cornelius Ochmann
Project Director Central and Eastern Europe, Bertelsmann Foundation, Gutersloh

Dr. Ognian Shentov
President, Center for the Study of Democracy, Sofia

Franz Kaps
Senior Partnership Adviser, Office of the Vice President Europe and Central Asia, World Bank, Budapest Office

Address of a representative of the Bulgarian Government

16:30 h - 19:00 h   Size and Scope of the Informal Economy: Methods of Assessment

Boyan Belev
Coordinator, Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy, Sofia

The Size and Development of the Informal Economy in Eastern Europe
Friedrich Schneider
Vice Director for Foreign and External Relations, Johannes Kepler University, Linz

The Informal Economies in the 1990s: Theoretical Assessment
Tania Chavdarova
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Sofia University "St. Kl. Ochridski", Sofia

Going Formal: Costs and Benefits
Tatiana Nenova
Financial Economist, Financial Sector Strategy and Policy, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Andrei Yakovlev
Director, Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow


20:00 h - 22:00 h


Dinner Speech
Aspects of Informal Economy in Southeastern Europe

Dr. Erhard Busek
Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, Brussels; Former Vice-Chancellor of the Republic of Austria


April 19, 2002
09:00 h - 11:00 h  

The Informal Economy in Eastern Europe: General View and Cross-Country Comparisons

Franz Kaps

Hiding in the Shadows: Size, Estimation Methods, and Implications of the Growth of the Shadow Economy
Dominik Enste
Economic Policy Researcher, Project Manager, Gerling Group, Cologne

Why People Evade Taxes in the Czech and Slovak Republics: A Tale of Twins
Jan Hanousek
CERGE-EI, Prague

Informality and Poverty
Zeynep Kudatgobilik
Consultant, Europe and Central Asia, Private and Financial Sectors Development Sector,
The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Alexandre Marc
Sector Manager, Europe and Central Asia, Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Sector Unit, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.

Andras Inotai
Director General, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest


11:00 h - 11:30 h   COFFEE BREAK
11:30 h - 13:30 h  

Size and Scope of the Informal Economy: Cases from Central Europe and the Baltics

Andras Inotai
Director General, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Informal Labor Market and Informal Economy
- the Polish Experience
Maciej Grabowski
Vice-President, Institute for Market Economies, Gdansk

- the Hungarian Experience 
Laszlo Kallay
Director, Institute of Small Business Development, Budapest

Behind the Informal Economy: Estimating, Explaining and Counteracting
Guoda Steponaviciene
Vice President, Lithuanian Free Market Institute, Vilnius

Filip Palda
Senior Fellow, The Fraser Institute, Montreal; University of Quebec



13:30 h - 14:30 h   LUNCH
14:30 h - 17:00 h  

Size and Scope of the Informal Economy: Cases from the Balkans

Ion Sturza
Former Prime Minister, Vice President, Fin Com Bank, J.S., Chisinau

Economic Cooperation in Southeast Europe
Daniela Elena Stefanescu
Vice President, National Institute of Statistics of Romania, Bucharest

Tax Avoidance in Bulgaria: The Human Capital Approach
Andrey Zahariev
Academy of Economic, Svishtov

The Informal Sector in Albania: Its Impact and Government Policies to Reduce it
Genc Ruli
President, Institute for Contemporary Studies, Tirana

The Underground Economy in Croatia
Predrag Bejakovic
Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb

Use of Households Survey Data to Estimate the Size of the Informal Economy in Romania
Mariana Nicolae
Senior Researcher, Romanian Center for Economic Policies, Bucharest

Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic
Research Fellow, London School of Economics and Political Science, London


17:00 h - 17:30 h   COFFEE BREAK
17:30 h - 19:00 h  

Risk Reporting and Early Warning for Good Governance and Against Corruption

Wim van Meurs
Senior Researcher, Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research, Center for Applied Policy Research, Munich

Case Study Romania
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
Executive Director, SAR, Romanian Academic Society, Bucharest

Case Study Serbia
Danijel Pantic
Secretary General, European Movement in Serbia, Belgrade

Atanas Gotchev
Professor, University of National and World Economics, Sofia


19:00 h - 19:30 h   Summary and Conclusions
    End of conference


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