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Bucharest, June 26th-27th
Crowne Plaza Hotel
1, Poligrafiei Street; 71556 Bucharest

Tuesday, June 26th  


Opening address:
President Ion ILIESCU, Romania
Doru TRIFOI, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Romania
Tanase JOITA, Public Prosecutor of Romania
General introduction:
Pierre JOXE, Member of the Constitutional Court, France
Thierry de MONTBRIAL, President of the CFA, France
Peter JANKOWITSCH, General Secretary of CFA, Austria


9:45-12:30 Old and new forms of organized crime
Willibald PAHR, former foreign minister, Austria

France: Pierre CONESA, Special Emissary, Ministry of Defense
"Organized Crime: a new Phenomenon and/or a new Viewpoint"
Croatia: Victor GOTOVAC, Transparency International
"Corruption in Croatia: Necessities, Obstacles and How to Fight Against Them - National Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Croatia"
Romania: Aurel NEAGU, Head of the General Inspectorate of the Police Border
"Illegal Migration and Drug Traffic"
EBRD: Clemens GRAFE, Economist for Central Asia and Russia
"Corruption and State Capture in Transition Countries and Possible Responses Exemplified by the Procedures of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development"


Croatia: Zoran NEKIC, Chief of the NCB-Interpol-Office
"Estimation of Situation and Priority Needs for Improvement of Effective Suppression of Organized Crime in the Republic of Croatia"
Slovenia: Branko LOBNIKAR, Senior Lecturer, College of Police and Security Studies
"Dealing with Police Corruption"
France: Patrick MORDACQ, Adviser at the Audit Office, France
"Corruption in the Centre of the Society and the Institutions?"
Romania: Varujan PAMBUCCIAN, Deputy President of the Commission of the IT






Lunch time


14:30-15:45 The fight against money laundering: ways of exposure
Jan CARNOGURSKI, Minister of Justice, Slovakia

France: Olivier JEREZ, Correspondent Tracfin, Savings Bank
"Implication of Professional Sectors in the Fight against Money Laundering: A Difficult but Important Way to go"
Bulgaria: Iliana PAVLOVA, Legal Adviser, Special Supervision Division, BNB
"The Prevention of Money Laundering in Bulgaria and the Role of the Bulgarian National Bank in the Fight against Money Laundering"
EBRD: Clemens GRAFE, Economist for Central Asia and Russia
"Money Laundering in Eastern Europe and Precaution Taken by the EBRD"
France: Emmnuel MATHIAS, Auditor, Tracfin (Ministry of Economy and Finance)
"Exposure of Crimes by Financial Intelligence Units"






16:15-17:30 What answers for the prevention and fight against organized crime (national level)
Mugur ISARESCU, Director of the National Bank of Romania

Austria: Werner KEUTH, Ministry of Interior, Chief of Department for International Co-operation
"Fight against Organized Crime from the National Point of View"
Bulgaria: Maria YORDANOVA, Co-ordinator, Judicial Reform Initiative in Bulgaria and Head of the Law Program, Center for the Study of Democracy
"NGOs and Anti-Corruption Efforts in Bulgaria"
Czech Republic: Jitka GJURICOVA, Director of the Crime Prevention Department of the Ministry of Interior
"Prevention of Organized Crime in the Czech Republic"




Reception at the Austrian Embassy: given by Mrs Ursula FAHRINGER, Chargee d'affaires a.i. of the Austrian Embassy and H.E. Ambassador Pierre MENAT, French Embassy in Bucharest


Wednesday, June 27th  

What answers for the prevention and fight against organized crime (European level)
Patrick MORDACQ, Adviser at the Audit Office, France

Council of Europe: Christophe SPECKBACHER, Administrative Officer, Department of Crime Problems
"The Fight against Organized Crime: Priorities for the Council of Europe"
Czech Republic: Petr POSPISIL, Security Police Department of the Ministry of Interior
"Institutional Framework for the Fight against Organized Crime"
Europol: Uwe KRANZ, Project Manager, OC Department
"Organization, Goals and Results of Europol"
Malta: Carmel AGIUS, Judge, Court of Justice, Appeal Court
"Malta's Commitment and Role in Europe's Fight against Organized Crime"








10:45-12:00 What answers for the prevention and fight against organized crime (international level)
Karl SCHRAMEK, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria beside the OECD, Paris

OECD: Helene HOLM-PEDERSEN, Expert, Paris
"Fighting International Bribery and Corruption: the Role of the OECD"
France: Jean-Francois THONY, Special Adviser at the Appeal Court of Versailles
"The Efforts of the International Community: Inventory of Difficulties and Achievements"




Conclusion: Yves BERTHELOT, Co-Director of the UNIHP (United Nations Intellectual History Project), Switzerland


12:30 End

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