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Targeting the Economy of Crime

How to Infuse Momentum in Anti-Corruption Reforms

Round Table
May 27, 2003
Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan,
Serdika Conference Hall

9:00      Welcoming remarks

Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy

            Opening session

Nikolay Vassilev, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy
Nahit Zia, Deputy Minister of Finance

Session 1      The Criminal Infrastructure of Gray Economy

                    Chair:Boyko Todorov, Program Director, CSD

Dr. Vassil Kirov, Director, Financial Intelligence Agency, Ministry of Finance
Karen Kramer, Resident Legal Advisor, US Embassy
Tihomir Bezlov, Program Coordinator, CSD
General Boyko Borissov, Secretary General, Ministry of Interior

Session 2     Matching Institutional Reforms with the New Soft Security Threats

                    Chair:Emil Tsenkov, Senior Fellow, CSD

Boyko Kotzev, Deputy Minister of Interior
Roumen Danev, Director, Customs Intelligence and Investigation Department, Customs Agency
Krassimir Dobrev, Investigative Journalist

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