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The Informal Economy in the EU Accession Countries: Size, Scope, and the Trends in Trafficking and Corruption


International conference

Hotel Bulgaria

29 November 2002

Day One - 29th of November
9:30 -9:45 h.

Conference Hall
Hotel Bulgaria


Dr. Ognian Shentov
Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy

Nikola Yankov
Deputy Minister of the Economy


Session 1

9:45-11:00 h.

Grey Economy: Scope and Impact

Moderator: Ruslan Stefanov
Project Coordinator, CSD

Dr. Dominik Enste
Economic Policy Researcher, Gerling Group, Cologne Gerling
The Shadow Economy and Institutional Change in EU Accession Countries - A Two Pillar Strategy for the Challenges Ahead

see Powerpoint presentation

Dr. Ahmet Salih Ikiz
Faculty Fellow, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Recent trends of Unrecorded economy in Turkey: Comparison with Bulgaria

Mr. Caner Akar, International Economy and Finance, Turkey

11:00-11:30 h. Coffee Break
11:30-12:15 h.



Mr. Shkelzen Mustafa
Deputy Director, Special Operations, Customs - United Nations Interim Administration
Mission in Kosovo (FRY)

Mr. Michael Cayton, OECD Consultant, Sofia, Bulgarian Ministry of Economy

Boris Petrov, Bulgarian National Bank, Analyses Division

12.15-14.00 h. Lunch

Session № 2

14:00 h.

The Informal Economy In The EU Accession Countries: Size and Trends

Moderator: Petkan Iliev
Center for the Study of Democracy


Ms. Rossalina Latcheva
Project Assistant, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna - The Informal Economy in East-Central Erope

Mr. Todor Yalamov
ARC Fund
The Grey Economy in the IT Sector

15:00-15:30 h. Cofee Break
15:30 h.

Moderator: Dr. Vesselin Mintchev
Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria

Dr. Valentin Goev, Statistics Department, UNWE
Assoc. prof. Venelin Boshnakov
Presentation of the results from the survey of the grey economy among the population

Mr. Maciej Grabowski
Vice President, Institute for Market Economies, Gdansk
Foreigners and Informal Labour Market in Poland

Dr. Jan Hanousek
Director, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Economic Institute - CERGE-EI, Prague
Quality Of Government Services And The Civic Duty To Pay Taxes In The Czech And Slovak Republics, And Other Transition Countries
(Written Jointly With Prof. Filip Palda).

Dr. Stefan Nikolov
Head of Department, Academy of the Ministry of Interior
Organized Crime in the Economy

Assoc. prof. Olga Teneva
Chief of Department "Economic Sciences", Academy of the Ministry of Interior
The Shadow Economy - Economic Ground for Corruption, Organized Crime and Terrorism

17:00 h Discussion
17:30 h. Closing
18:00 h Cocktail

* Working languages: English and Bulgarian

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