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Round Table: "Public-Private Partnerships in Preventing Drug Abuse and Trafficking"



March 14, 2003
Center for the Study of Democracy

9:45   Seats taken
10:17-10:50   Session 1: Public-Private Partnership against Drug Abuse

Welcoming remarks

Dr. Ognian Shentov, Chairman, Center for the Study of Democracy

Mr. Boyko Kotzev, Deputy Minister of Interior

Ms. Zorka Parvanova, spouse of the President of Bulgaria

HRH The Prince of Wales

10:50-11:00   Break
11:00-11:45   Session 2: Drug Use in Bulgaria: Knowledge Gaps and Policy Implications
    Tihomir Bezlov, Center for the Study of Democracy
Ivan Tsvetkov, Director, Drugs Sector, National Service for Combating Organized Crime
Anita Bossilkova, Deputy Chair, Municipal Council on Narcotics, Sofia
Dr. Yulian Karadjov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
11:45- 12:30   Discussion


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