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Export Control on Small Arms and Light Weapons in Bulgaria


On March 28, 2003 the Center for the Study of Democracy held a round table discussion on the export control on small arms and light weapons in Bulgaria. The event is part of CSD efforts to assess the existing controls on SALW in Bulgaria within a project carried out in cooperation with Saferworld, UK. The assessment aims to provides more in-depth analysis of the outstanding challenges posed by the Bulgarian arms control system and to outline ways to overcome such problems.

Experts from the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, the University for National and World Economy, the National Assembly, the Bulgarian Red Cross and the Customs Agency commented to the draft report on the export control of SALW developed by the Task Force on SALW composed of defense economists, legal experts, media analysts and survey research experts.

The participants in the round table agreed on the need of more detailed regulations on the existing process of export control of small arms and a better coordination between the responsible institutions. Comments and suggestions were made as regards to the awareness of both manufacturers and controlling bodies about the existing control mechanisms, the international cooperation in the field as well as the humanitarian aspect of the problem.


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