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The Governance of Internal Security: the European Dimension



Round table
June 16, 2003
Center for the Study of Democracy

Europol Director Jurgen Storbeck in a visit to CSD said national and international cooperation is needed to combat organized crime. He underlined the importance of multidisciplinary approach and combined efforts of both member states and applicant countries to build a common European area of justice and security.

The round table discussion with a group of MoI Academy lecturers, National Police officers, NSBOP and Customs experts, CSD Trafficking and Corruption Task Force representatives and foreign liaison officers, was opened by the Deputy Minister of Interior Boyko Kotzev. He announced the signature of an agreement for cooperation between Bulgaria and Europol and the appointment of a Bulgarian liaison officer in Europol's headquarters next month. The agreement which has been negotiated since 1998, was delayed due to the lack of adequate legislation on data protection.

Mr. Storbeck took a detailed look at the work of Europol outlining the main priorities and difficulties. Europol is engaged in combating drugs trafficking, terrorism, illegal immigration and human trafficking and money laundering. Its activities include:

- information exchange between MS' gendarmeries, customs, criminal police services, security forces; developing national databases and a common EU database
- analytical work - elaborating strategic reports and operational analyses but also threat assessment and risk analyses
- harmonizing working methods
- developing its own investigative services

Different law systems in the MSs and the coordination between all law enforcement organizations acting within EU - Eurojust, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the future EU Border Police - are among the main problems faced by Europol.

Mr. Storbeck outlined Europol's immediate tasks: integrating applicant countries' systems into the EU law enforcement, building law enforcement and security outside Europe, including the Balkans, and internal development. He expressed hope that the good cooperation with Bulgarian authorities would continue.

Answering a question by Mr. Stefan Nikolov, lecturer in the Security Faculty of the MoI Academy regarding the relations between Europol and Interpol Mr. Storbeck said that the two organizations cooperate very well in exchanging experts and data. A major difference between them is that Interpol is missing the multidisciplinary approach because it was conceived and acts as a global criminal police organization .

CSD Chairman Dr. Ognian Shentov commented on the possible role of Europol to counter organized crime on the Balkans and asked about the mechanisms of cooperation with the US. Mr. Storbeck pointed out that EU leaders still focus mainly on the Western Balkans when discussing organized crime issues and that all countries' efforts should be taken into consideration. The relations with the US are very complicated because of the existence of 30 law enforcement agencies in the US and the new internal security threats posed by 11 September.

Jьrgen Storbeck
Bio data

Jurgen Storbeck was appointed as director of Europol in 1999. His previous positions in Europol include coordinator of the Europol Drugs Unit in the Hague, the Netherlands (1994) and head of the Europol project team based in Strasbourg, France (1992-1993). In 1977-1993 Mr. Storbeck held several positions in the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA). He was born in Flensburg , Germany.

For more see:
Corruption, Contraband and Cross-Border Crime resource center


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