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Human dimensions in organized crime, money laundering and corruption
Тhe eleventh volume of the Cross-border Crime Colloquium series is dedicated to the “Human dimensions in organized crime, money laundering and corruption” (eds. van Duyne, P., Harvey, J., Antonopoulos, G., von Lampe, K., Maljević, A., Spencer, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2013). It presents the latest studies and research findings of twenty six European experts. The seventeen chapters cover a range of subjects which are of lasting interest for researchers as well as policy-makers: organized crime, criminal finances, money laundering and corruption. They focus on the human dimension in misdeeds as well as the related policy making.
Authors of the chapter “European lessons from the Bulgarian Serious Organized Crime Threat Assessment” are Atanas Rusev, Research Fellow, Philip Gounev, Senior Analyst and Tihomir Bezlov, Senior Analyst at the Center for the Study of Democracy. By analyzing the experience of Bulgaria, which was one of the first countries to try to implement the much heralded (S)OCTA approach, the researchers examine the obstacles and insurmountable difficulties in its application in much of the developing world and propose some strategies to address these issues. Moreover, the chapter outlines some general shortcomings of the present EU approach to (S)OCTA reports.
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