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Knowledge Economy – theory, policies and developments in Bulgaria
Edited by Dr. Petkan Iliev
Contributors: Todor Yalamov, Ruslan Stefanov, and Industry Watch Group

ARC Fund, 2004
72 pages

This brochure, published by ARC Fund in May 2004, discusses the central importance of knowledge for productivity, competitiveness, and growth. The text is structured along the analytical model developed by the World Bank Institute, which defines four main pillars of the “knowledge economy”, namely: institutional and economic incentives regime; national innovation system; education and training; and ICT infrastructure. In each of these four areas the text analyzes Bulgaria’s advantages and weak points in becoming an effective knowledge-based economy, and presents the country’s performance vis-à-vis some of the most advanced economies, the EU15 member states, and the new entrants in Central and Eastern Europe. As a basis for this analysis the text uses the World Bank’s Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) and complements this with original data taken from Bulgarian statistical sources and ARC Fund’s own surveys, particularly in the areas of innovation and ICT. The text is published only in Bulgarian.

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