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Anticorruption Education Manual 2000 (available only in Bulgarian)
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It is the first manual in its kind in Bulgarian language. The manual is to be included in a university curriculum (the New Bulgarian University) and a number of other private and state-owned universities have been approached with the same purpose.

The manual, edited by Dr. Antony Todorov, Associate-Professor at the NBU, is composed of 14 topics, written by a number of anti-corruption experts. It was published as a part of the Clean Future Coalition 2000 Awareness campaign.

The Anticorruption manual contains the following chapters:
Legal concept of corruption
Models of corruption behavior;
Corruption monitoring;
Spheres and forms of corruption;
Abuse of political power;
Corruption in the judiciary and the police;
Economy and corruption;
Corruption in international relations;
Funding of the political parties;
Legal reform against corruption;
Administrative reform against corruption;
Civil society against corruption;
Professional codes against corruption;
International co-operation against corruption

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