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Workshop Agenda
Opening Remarks:
Dinka Dinkova, Program Director, Applied Research and Communications Fund
Boyan Belev, Coordinator, Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

8.40 - 9.00
Legal and Institutional Framework for Foreign Direct Investments in Bulgaria: Assessment and Recommendations
Emil Zhechev, Head, Legal Department, Bulgarian Foreign Investment Agency

9.00 - 9.20
Barriers to Foreign Direct Investments: Managerial Perceptions and Performance
Vesselin Mintchev, Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

9.20 - 9.40
Developments in the Phare Bulgarian Foreign Direct Investment Project
Gerry Brough, Netherlands Economic Institute
Boyan Belev, Coordinator, Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy

9.40 - 10.15

10.15 - 10.45

10.45 - 11.00
Barriers to Foreign Direct Investments in Balkan Countries: Comparison Between Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia
Todor Yalamov, Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Democracy

11.00 - 11.20
Asian Perceptions of Doing Business on the Balkans
James Cassidy, President, JC Consulting

11.20 - 12.00

Boyan Belev, Coordinator, Economic Program, Center for the Study of Democracy


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