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Resolution adopted by the South East European Network on Control of Arms (SEENCA)
Adopted 25 November 2005

Enhancing global controls on the transfer of armaments through the adoption of an International Arms Transfer Treaty

The South East European Network on Control of Arms (SEENCA),

Emphasising the devastating humanitarian consequences associated with the unregulated global transfer of armaments,

Noting the statement issued by the Council of the European Union on 03 October 2005 acknowledging “the growing support, in all parts of the world, for an international treaty to establish common standards for the global trade in conventional arms” and encouraging “all states, regional organisations and multilateral institutions to join the growing international consensus for action in this area,

Recalling states’ existing commitments under section II, paragraph 11 of the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) to “undertake to assess applications for export authorizations according to strict national regulations and procedures that cover all small arms and light weapons and are consistent with the existing responsibilities of States under relevant international law.",

Recalling similar commitments made by states to uphold international norms on arms transfers under the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe Document on SALW (2001), the Stability Pact Regional Implementation Plan for SALW (2001), and the European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports (1998) and accompanying Joint Action on SALW (2002),

Recognising the significant steps taken so far by states to improve controls over the availability, use and transfer of arms within their jurisdictions,

Calls upon the Governments of the region, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro and Romania:

• At the earliest possible opportunity, make a clear and unambiguous public statement in support of an international Arms Transfer Treaty that regulates international transfers of conventional arms according to states’ existing responsibilities under existing international law, especially human rights and international humanitarian law, and contains specific robust provisions to control the brokering, transhipment, and licensed production of arms, backed up by monitoring mechanisms.

• Work together with other states during the coming United Nations Programme of Action (PoA) Preparatory Conference in January 2006, and the Review Conference in July 2006, for the incorporation into the UN PoA document of principles governing international arms transfers that are commensurate with states’ existing commitments under international human rights and humanitarian law.
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