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Press-conference: Bulgaria’s International Competitiveness 2009
On 19 May 2009 the Center for the Study of Democracy presented the results for Bulgaria from the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2009. The Center for the Study of Democracy is official partner for Bulgaria of the World Competitiveness Center at IMD (International Institute for Management Development). The previous three issues of the Yearbook for 2006, 2007 and 2008 had a direct impact on Bulgarian competitiveness policy-making, and were quoted in strategic policy documents of the Bulgarian government. The competitiveness ranking is very closely watched by international investors, which makes its 2009 results even more important for the countries involved.

The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2009 assesses Bulgaria’s competitiveness in comparison to 57 leading country and regional economies. Bulgaria is ranked regarding government efficiency, economy efficiency, business efficiency and infrastructure.

Highlights from the presentation of the Bulgarian international competitiveness 2009 include: major challenges and competitive advantages with a focus on the effects of the world economic crisis and the risks from political instability after Bulgaria’s general parliamentary elections in July 2009.

Presentation: Bulgaria's International Competitiveness: State and Perspectives (Adobe PDF, 1.3 MB, in Bulgarian)
Press release (MS Word, 1.06 MB, in Bulgarian)

Press-conference: Bulgaria’s International Competitiveness 2008
Press-conference: International Competitiveness of Bulgaria 2007
Press conference: International Competitiveness of Bulgaria: Trends and Challenges, 2006

Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)
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