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Todor Galev

Dr. Todor Galev is senior fellow at the Applied Research and Communications Fund. He works mainly on research projects within the ARC Fund’s IT Group, headed by Todor Yalamov and takes part in the preparation of the annual report.
Todor Galev obtained MA degree in sociology at the Sofia University and defended his PhD at the Technology Studies Group, Institute of Sociology (TSG - IS). Since 2007, he is working as a permanent research fellow at the TSG - IS and has work experience in qualitative and quantitative sociological studies. His academic specialization is in the field of sociology of innovation and science technology studies. Todor is working on post-socialist innovation policy and technological development, including topics such as academic entrepreneurship, e-inclusion policy and civil-military cooperation in the innovation processes within national high-tech branches. Todor has participated in various national and international research projects within FP5, FP6 and FP7 of the EC, research grant programs of Sofia University, Ministry of Education and Science, and Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz. As a member and trainer in the European Science Communication Network (ESConet), his interests include also the issue of how to improve the use of social scientists’ expert knowledge in policy decision making, and how to communicate via the internet to the general public.
Todor’s professional background included also teaching of lectures and seminars in Sociology of science and technology (Plovdiv University), Sociology of information technologies (Sofia University) and General sociology (University of Forestry).
Since 2004 Todor is a member of the Bulgarian Sociological Association (BSA) and since 2006 he is member of its Executive Board.

Contacts: todor.galev(at)online(dot)bg

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