CSD >> Security Program >> Publications




| 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
CSD Brief No 26: Organised Crime and Corruption: National Characteristics and Policies of the EU Member-States
The European Commission (EC) contracted the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) to analyse the links between organised crime and corruption. more »
Examining the links between organised crime and corruption
The study Examining the links between organised crime and corruption was commissioned by the European Commission (DG JLS). This is the first study that examines systematically across all 27 EU Member States how organised crime uses corruption as a tool. The study is based on more than 150 interviews with corruption specialists (police, prosecutors, criminologists, and fraud specialists). More than 120 statistical and survey indicators on corruption and organised crime were analysed to examine the trends and patterns in organised crime’s use of corruption. more »
CSD Brief No 24: Introducing Organized Crime Threat Assessment
During the past decade organised crime threats have taken on an increasing importance and have become central to the national and EU policy debates on domestic security and citizen safety. The dynamics of globalisation combined with the dismantlement of the Iron Curtain in the heart of Europe led to growing cross-border flows of people, goods, money and information. more »
Organised Crime Threat Assessment: Methodological Problems and International Experience
The report contains methodology models and samples used for the assessment of threats associated with organised crime as well as official documents of EU member states combining the analysis of criminal phenomena with forecasts and recommendations for counteractions to be taken by national bodies and specialized European organizations such as Europol. more »
CSD Brief No 21: Investigation of Money Laundering: An Institutional Approach
The policy brief makes an overview of the organized crime, corruption and money-laundering in Bulgaria. According to the authors, in spite of several legislative initiatives and a growing amount of prosecutorial decrees for money-laundering in the last decade, the prosecution for this type of crime in Bulgaria remains insignificant. more »