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Ventseslav Kozarev     

Ventseslav Kozarev has more than 10 years of professional experience, mostly within the public and non-profit sector. He has specialized in public management and program evaluation, and has developed expertise in public policy research and analysis. His career includes work with m embers of the Bulgarian Parliament, with a focus on legislation development monitoring. He has also successfully completed assignments with large international organizations such as the American Red Cross, the McKnight Foundation in the state of Minnesota, USA, as well as with a number of smaller non - profits in both Bulgaria and the United States. He has provided methodological and data management expertise to a range of clients, focusing on improving program effectiveness and design.

The key priorities in Mr. Kozarev’s work at ARC Fund are parliamentary technology assessment and public sector innovation. He is involved in the establishment of a new analytical track at ARC Fund that combines technology assessment with policy analyses, tasked to monitor and evaluate social impacts resulting from the use of new technologies, as well as to foster wider public debate of the long-term consequences thereof. Prior to joining ARC Fund, Mr. Kozarev was a Program Officer with the Bulgarian School of Politics where he was responsible for all regional activities and program planning within the Western Balkans. He is also an adjunct lecturer at the University for National and World Economy, where he developed and taught a baccalaureate course in Management Communications and Leadership.

r. Kozarev earned a Master of Public Policy degree from the Hubert Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota (USA), and an MA in Political Science from the Sofia University in Bulgaria. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Management Studies at the Sofia University, with a particular focus on the strategic aspects of corporate social responsibility. He speaks fluent English.

E-mail Ventseslav at: ventseslav.kozarev(at)online(dot)bg

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