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Lyubomir Hristov

Mr. Hristov is Executive Vice President responsible for Strategy, Sales and Marketing, and Corporate Customers' Project Management at Insyst Electronics AD in Sofia. He has been a member of ARC Fund's Board of Trustees since 1991.

Mr. Hristov earned his MSc degree from the Department of Informatics at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland in 1983. His professional development included also training at Pafec, Deltacam UK in CAD/CAM design and flexible manufacturing systems (1984), and a number of courses on satellite communications and earth stations at COMSAT Systems Division, Clarksburg, Maryland, Washington (Satellite Communications Technology and Management); GTE Spacenet Corporation McLean, VA, Washington (Planning and implementing Satellite Earthstations); INTELSAT, Washington (International Digital Satellite Communications Theory, Planning and INTELSAT Service Offerings); COMSTREAM, San Diego, CA (High Performance Digital Satellite Networks); and STS Inc., Houpauge, NY (Satellite Communications for non-technical manager).

He is also co-founder and Vice Chairman of the Bulgarian Project Management Association.

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