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Todor Yalamov

Todor Yalamov coordinates ARC Fund's IT Group, a functional unit established in 2001 as a permanent interdisciplinary working group with the main objective of contributing to Bulgaria's e-development through policy research and coalition building. He is also deputy project manager of Bulgaria Development Gateway, and assistant professor in management at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky".

Todor holds a Master's in Economics and Management from Erasmus Rotterdam University School of Economics and Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University. His academic and research interests focus on project management, knowledge management, learning organizations, system dynamics and the new economy. Todor has worked on projects funded by PHARE, TEMPUS, FP5 of the EU, the World Bank, the Bulgarian Government and private business, including the preparatory phase of the Bulgarian Development Gateway, E-Readiness Assessment for the Ministry of Transport and Communications, ICT Infrastructure and E-Readiness Assessment (infoDev, World Bank), etc.

Contacts: todor.yalamov(at)online(dot)bg

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